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Deploy with Render

You will have to login to Render or create an account there. Then, you will need to click this link to start the process: Deploy to Render

You will then need to fill in the following details:


This needs to be the domain you want to use for the platform. Either your Render subdomain or your own subdomain. You can add multiple urls if you want to make it available with multiple urls (example:, Do not add the protocol (https://) before the url. If you don't have a url, use and change it later to your link.

Click on deploy and let it run. This will take about 10 minutes before it's ready, though it could take a few hours, so be patient please.

If you DO have a domain name:

Go to the chiefonboarding service and go to settings. Scroll down until you see the Custom domain setting. Add your domain there and configure your DNS to link to it.

If you DO NOT have a domain name:

Go to environment variables and swap the ALLOWED_HOSTS and BASE_URL with the url that has been given to you by Render. Wait for it to automatically redeploy.

That's all!